Event Marketing

Bring on the Crowds with Event Waitlist Apps

Event planning may not be rocket science, but it does include an incredible amount of forethought and meticulous attention to detail pre, during, and post event. Capacity and crowd management are small parts of the entire equation, however if done well they can make the entire experience more enjoyable for everyone involved. NextME understands all of this and has created a queue management system that helps mitigate the crowds, while also giving attendees the opportunity to stay connected to the event before and after admittance. Read more to learn how a virtual waitlist app can help your next event be a success.

How the ‘Experience Movement’ Fuels the Growth of Interactive Events

How Americans’ Crave for Experience Drives the Interactive Event Movement Recently, Eventbrite published a study entitled “The Experience Movement” in which they explore the ways the millennial generation’s desire for experiences is shaping our culture. They found that 3 of 4 Millennials would rather spend money on experiences rather than things. But even beyond this

How the ‘Experience Movement’ Fuels the Growth of Interactive Events Read More

How Small Businesses Can Optimize Appointment Waitlist Management

How Small Businesses Can Optimize Appointment Waitlist Management

Waiting is a fact of life. And managing waitlists is often a big part of doing business.  You may be thinking of the waiting area at your favorite salon or those little buzzer coasters at restaurants. But there are so many more industries who have to tackle this problem. From bowling alleys, to car lots,

How Small Businesses Can Optimize Appointment Waitlist Management Read More

NextME Waitlist App - Top CRM Consultants in Chicago by Clutch

NextMe Featured on Clutch’s 2019 Top CRM Consultant Report

NextMe Appointment Waitlist App Wins Top Honors from Clutch NextMe is the ultimate solution for helping various businesses, event organizers, exhibitors, and restaurants effectively manage their appointments and waitlists while improving efficiency and customer satisfaction. As technology develops, virtual solutions are being used more frequently as a method to manage customer relations, which includes managing

NextMe Featured on Clutch’s 2019 Top CRM Consultant Report Read More

Why All Event Organizers Should Use An Appointment Waitlist App - NextME

Why All Event Organizers Should Be Using An Appointment Waitlist Platform

Nobody likes to wait. This is even more true in today’s fast-paced, on-demand society. But waiting is made so much less annoying when you’re given accurate information and kept informed. This is just one of the benefits a waitlist platform can provide for attendees at your next big event.  Waitlist platforms like NextMe are an

Why All Event Organizers Should Be Using An Appointment Waitlist Platform Read More

How to Plan Great Gaming Events by NextME Waitlist App

How to Plan Great Gaming Events

Tips for Planning Amazing Gaming Events and Conferences PAX. Playthrough. London Games Festival. E3. Gamescom. Tokyo Game Show. BlizzCon. MineCon. HaloFest. What do all of these gaming events have in common? Crowds. More specifically, a need to manage the masses of people seamlessly. If you’ve ever been to a gaming event, you probably understand the

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