How NextMe Can Help Your Restaurant Improve Customer Retention

The restaurant industry is highly saturated, and with whatever initiatives you start, it’s essential to keep them going and supported. Many businesses start programs and never maintain them long enough for anyone to reap the rewards. This means that instead of running a ton of programs all at once, try to focus on one or two with flawless execution.

  • If you’re doing a rewards program, set a time length and stick to it (if not indefinitely).
  • Make sure your rewards are worthwhile (if you’re not sure what that is, list a few options and run a survey). With that said, regular surveys are a great way to learn how your customers feel about your restaurant in general. Best practice is making your surveys hyper-focused on one or two categories at a time so that they aren’t too long. You can even administer to customers at your restaurant with the receipt in exchange for a small discount. Not many people would turn that down.
  • Social media and online visibility tactics are important. Use tools like NextMe that help with ops as well as increase customer engagement via social media to build the community alongside your brand.

NextMe not only manages wait-lists (allowing your hosts to hold reservations in-app with only a cell phone number) but also can drive customer engagement with your restaurant earning you a lot more money. Here’s how . . .

1.) When someone visits your restaurant on a busy day, they speak with a host who adds them on the waitlist.

2.) The NextMe app will send the patron a text message with a clickable link that will take them to a custom page that shows their position in line (The quoted wait time is entered by the host/ess). We call this page the virtual waiting room.

3.) This page will be styled and branded based on what the restaurant wants to drive traffic to. Host your menus, drink specials, social media profiles and more. On average we are getting 30 minutes of consistent engagement from each customer which means people are staying on this page interacting with the digital assets we place on it. That’s an extremely healthy amount of time when it comes to advertisements and engagement.

4.) Because the app uses SMS messaging, patrons are free to leave the restaurant to shop, or other activities while they wait (opening up opportunities for you to cross advertise using the mobile marketing page) and leverage other businesses to market your restaurant.

When its close to the time they should be seated, a text will prompt them to confirm if they want to keep the reservation with a reply of “1” or cancel it with a reply of “2”.

We’re currently in hundreds of restaurants and growing fast. Here’s why…

Customers DO NOT have to download the app. The app interacts with customers cell phones and mobile browsers.

You can add people to the wait-list who do not have a cell-phone.Hosts love us, because it significantly reduces the chance of error and resulting fallout from seating the wrong party at the wrong time.

Hosts love us, because it significantly reduces the chance of error and resulting fallout from seating the wrong party at the wrong time.

Built in Table Tracking

Managers and Owners love us because of the fine-tuned data we produce that help them make high level decisions.

We are inexpensive with a low price point. Our most popular plan is $59.99 a month but we have plans as low as $19.99 a month. View NextMe Pricing.

Ready to introduce NextMe to your business? Call us at 408.909.6398 or schedule a demo with us.

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